For Sale on Mercari & Poshmark
I am enjoying my latest find a bit too much. A vintage lot, with some beautiful baby items.
I estimate the dates ranging from the 1950's and a few pieces on into the 70's.... with a few modern items from designers that deserve note.
Using patterns is how I often research clothing, especially handmade clothing.
I have spent hours rummaging through the website below.
If you have time or even want to learn to knit to make your own heirloom baby clothes, check out the Vintage Knitting Lady online.
The pattern page : Stocked with some of the most beautiful patterns for sale in multiple formats. The images alone are worth the visit to this website.
Aye, for the smallest a’yer clan...a good Scottish wool and cloth yer Bairn.
But the pieces that piqued my interest... the real Fashion History Mystery, are the matching knit dresses by the Feltman Brothers.
The Feltman Brothers have been making clothing since 1919, with the intent of creating pieces to be used from generation to generation... So smart, huh?!
The style of clothing has not changes since the 1920's, perhaps the quality is different, and there are more options... but in my opinion, it is some of the best you can buy, IF you buy new.
The tags on Feltman Bros. has not changed much either, though for all the years of these clothing tags that read made in the Philippines....
But our own little tags read : Made in Israel What does this mean?
Finding out if the items are vintage or not can be tough with the growing popularity of clothing lines like Feltman Bros. and several others, such as Petit Ami, and another favorite, a French clothing line Cyrillus (make sure you click to translate their website)
As gender neutral trends, and the "vintage look" increases in popularity, there is more variety on the market and makes it even harder to date clothing.
By promoting these modern clothing lines, I am in no way, discouraging anyone from buying used baby clothes! If anyone can do second hand it, it's definitely babies and kids... who use clothing for such a short time.
This is only an exercise in examining and dating clothing items! Some things are subjective, I may even be wrong, regardless I love doing the research.
By researching our clothing, we are often learning much of our own history. Fashion, like art, reflect life then and now!