Vintage Knits for Baby
By researching our clothing, we are often learning much of our own history. Fashion, like art, reflect life then and now! #VintageBaby
How to Find Your Size in Vintage
Slacks and Jeans
High waist pants are great, especially vintage, but how do you know what’s what!? With all these groovy vintage pants without tags or with “vintage size” tags, you need to know how to do a rough measurement.
High waist range is above the navel; about 2 inches over your navel is what we call “mom jeans". My favorite is the 70’s ultra-high waist, which should measure roughly 4 inches above your belly button.
Now, you know what to look for, how do you measure high waist jeans and slacks.
Measure the waistband. Measure the front, end to end, then double the number to get the waist measurement.
EX: 14” + 14” =28” which is about a size 10 waist.
Note: If you are looking at low waist pants, always add at least 2 inches.
Check the inseam. The inseam is measured from the crotch seam (not the waist) down to the bottom hem of the leg.
Take the measurement from the crotch to the waist to get the idea of the ‘rise’ of the pants.
Know the measurement of your hips. Just like the waist, measure side to side at the largest width, then take the number and double it.
If you don’t have chicken legs like me- or just find some radical super-skinny, skinny-jeans, you will def want to measure the thighs.
5. So go back to your crotch seam, and measure 2 inches down. In order to measure the correct area, this should be the thickest part of the thigh region. Measure side to side of the pant leg, and double the number.
Wham Bam -you are now proficient in sizing yourself and should be comfortable shopping for sustainable-earth-friendly pants, in-store, thrift-sifting, or online.